xfiner testimonials

We help global and unique brands

We collaborate, design and build experiences for brands that appreciate quality and the power of design, and recognize what can be achieved.

You, me?
You are part of a larger organization and want to get the project done in a highly professional manner. You know that acquiring fresh ideas and top skills externally is only beneficial for you, your team, and organization. It’s a lucrative opportunity. You understand that design is not just about how it looks or feels, but more about how it works - towards the goals you have set. You love to collaborate.
Us, we?
We are a group of user experience and interface design professionals with extensive experience across over 26 countries. We have the attitude, skills, and resources needed to craft truly immersive experiences and interfaces. We are happy to collaborate with you, your team, IT partners, and whoever you wish to engage in your projects. We are here to serve you and your goals.
Together, us?
Together, we can make magic happen. The business or institution you are part of deserves nothing but the best. You have great ideas and are open to expanding them beyond the imagination. We are here to refine those early ideas, enhance them if possible, and visualize the concepts in the form of beautiful and seductive experiences and interfaces. Together, we are stronger; together, we will go further.

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You can expect that

People will love your brand even more

Your brand will be talked about more

The experience will look and feel great

You will be rewarded with more business

What sets us apart?

Why consider xfiner to support your brand with immersive experiences?

It is our passion to make more people love your brand, even more, through design. We’ve delivered notable design projects to 26 countries and counting.
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Many well-known and global brands have trusted us to help on their important projects. We are always happy to collaborate, contribute and deliver.
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We are humble and down to earth, and the 10+ awards just make us more happier. European Design Awards - Silver, multiple German Design Awards and counting.
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Xfiner's team and partners have the experience of creating over 100 virtual tours from start to finish, and also hold the the membership at The International Virtual Reality Professionals Association.
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Passionate professionals only

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Managed workflows and delivery

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Track record and proof

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Let’s have a video call and explore ideas

Lauri Post

Founder, Creative Director

Concepts, UX/UI Design


10+ years of experience